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Irish citizens campaign against conscription by the British Government, 1918

Time period
14 April, 1918 to 18 July, 1918
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Zach Lytle, 29/05/2019

World War I broke out on 28 July 1914, pitting an alliance spearheaded by Germany and Austria-Hungary against the forces of the United Kingdom (UK), France, Russia, and their allies. Due to paradigm shifts in military technology, the war quickly turned continental Europe into a charnel house. Nations soon found themselves requiring more manpower than ever before to maintain their war efforts.

Irish citizens protest the shutdown of accident and emergency services at Roscommon Hospital, 2010-2011

Time period
8 August, 2010 to 11 July, 2011
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Aileen Eisenberg, 25/03/2013

On 8 August 2010, members of Roscommon Hospital Action Committee (HAC) held a sit-in at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit at Roscommon County Hospital. There were rumors that the government planned to shut down this unit at 8 PM that night, so 100 protestors blocked the doorway and announced that they were willing to stay there all night. Nurses made a banner out of torn sheets that read “Our Hands Can Save Lives but This Is Death at the Hands of Fine Gael and Labour.” Health service chiefs did not intervene, nor were there visible security forces.