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Showing 1-19 of 19 results

Syracuse University students win fossil fuel divestment, 2012-2014

United States
Time period
10 October, 2012 to 21 November, 2014
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Yin Xiao and Clare Perez, 22/03/2017

Divest SU – a group of concerned students at Syracuse University (SU) joined by activists at the nearby State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) – started the SU Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign to fight for climate justice through demanding the school administration freeze new investments in fossil fuel companies and fully divest from the industry. This campaign was a part of an international student movement to pressure universities and colleges to stop investing in oil, coal and gas companies.

Queer activists pressure National Student Pride to drop BP sponsorship, 2015 - 2016

United Kingdom
Time period
early February 2015, 2015 to 27 February, 2015
Human Rights
Total points
6 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Ploy Promrat, 10/05/2017

“Pink-washing” refers to a practice used by entities or corporations to market themselves as LGBTQ friendly and supportive, while  simultaneously committing other ethical violations. BP was a British oil and gas company that came under fire in recent years for various environmental violations, in particular an oil spill, considered one of the most damaging in history. BP spilled approximately 4.9 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. The spill had extreme environmental and health concerns.

Trinity College wins divestment from fossil fuels

Time period
October, 2015 to November, 2016
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Ploy Promrat 03/20/2017

The fossil fuel divestment campaign originally started at Swarthmore College in 2010, through a student group called Mountain Justice. This campaign gained national traction and spread to other universities in America as well as around the world. Students from Trinity College, located in Dublin, Ireland, began their divestment campaign in 2015.

University of Oregon Students win divestment from fossil fuels, 2013-2016

United States
Time period
December, 2013 to September, 2016
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Madison Shoraka, 22/02/2017

In December of 2013 at The University of Oregon, a group of students founded Divest UO, to persuade the University of Oregon Foundation (the Board of Trustees) to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Over the next two and a half years, Divest UO employed multiple tactics including a mock wedding, numerous sit-ins, and several teach-ins to achieve their goal.

University of Mary Washington students win fossil fuel divestment, 2015-2016

United States
Time period
February, 2015 to February, 2016
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Seimi Park 15/02/2017

In October of 2014, two students at the University of Mary Washington (UMW), Benjamin Hermerding, president of the Young Democrats, and Nate Levin, member of DivestUMW, requested an informal meeting with UMW administration to discuss the school’s investment portfolio. The open question-and-answer session focused primarily on the 5-year plan released by UMW’s Strategic Planning Task Force, which prioritized fiscally competitive investments.

University of Massachusetts students win fossil fuel divestment, 2012-2016

United States
Time period
01 December, 2012 to 20 April, 2016
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Yin Xiao, 15/02/2017

Divest UMass – a group of concerned students – started the UMass Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign to fight for climate justice through demanding divestment by the UMass Foundation from fossil fuel companies and promoting reinvestment of funds into projects that supported “social justice, equality, and sustainability.” This cross-campus campaign was a part of a multi-school, national student movement to pressure administrations at various universities and colleges to stop investing in fossil fuel companies.

Students press University of Glasgow to divest from fossil fuels, 2013-2014

United Kingdom
Time period
30 September, 2013 to 7 October, 2014
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Rebecca Griest 12/02/2016

Approximately ninety-seven percent of publishing climate scientists agreed that climate change was occurring in 2013, and that the primary cause was human activities. If the planet was to remain within safe levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and maintain temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius of warming, four-fifths of the known fossil fuel reserves needed to stay in the ground and not be burned.

University of Hawaii Students, Faculty and Staff Successfully Campaign for Fossil Fuel Divestment, (2013-2015)

United States
Time period
September, 2013 to 21 May, 2015
Human Rights
Total points
9.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lewis Fitzgerald-Holland, 1/11/2015

In the fall of 2013, University of Hawaii graduate student and oceanography major Michelle Tigchelaar launched a fossil fuel divestment campaign after witnessing the devastation that climate change was bring to Hawaii’s famed coral reefs. Initially, the campaign was organized by members of the University’s Graduate Student Organization. The campaign launched in September 2013 with a movie screening’s movie Do the Math. The campaign lost traction in its first year after several members of the Graduate Student Organization graduated in the at the end of the fall semester.

Fossil Free SOAS wins fossil fuel divestment, 2015

United Kingdom
Time period
13 November, 2013 to 20 April, 2015
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Andrew Steele 25/10/2015

The Fossil Free SOAS’s (the School of Oriental and African Studies at University of London) divestment campaign began in the autumn of the 2013 school year as part of a cluster of divestment campaigns led by People & Planet, a network of student campaign groups in the UK focused on alleviating global poverty, defending human rights, and protecting the environment. On 13 November 2013, SOAS students, staff, and alumni joined together in signing a divestment petition to Professor Paul Webley, the director of SOAS at the time.

Students press Chico State University to divest from fossil fuels, 2013-2014

United States
Time period
September, 2013 to December 11, 2014
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Rebecca Griest 30/11/2015

In 2013, about ninety-seven percent of the publishing climate scientists agreed that climate change was occurring, and it was due to human activities. If people continued at the same rate of carbon dioxide emission, they risked permanently changing the planet’s climate and triggering irreversible increases in temperature. If the planet was to remain with levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide deemed safe by climate experts, four-fifths of known fossil fuel reserves could not be used and needed to be left in the ground.

Canadians sit-down for nuclear disarmament of the United States Bomarc Missile in La Macaza, Quebec, 1964

Time period
13 June, 1964 to 9 September, 1964
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Meghan Kelly, 27/09/2015

In fall 1958, Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker agreed to house 56 American Bomarc missiles in North Bay, Ontario and La Macaza, Quebec, in keeping with the terms of the NORAD agreement. The American manufacturers designed the Bomarc missiles to be fitted with nuclear warheads, but when the missiles arrived in Canada, the nuclear warhead parts had not yet arrived.

University of Maine students win divestment from coal stocks, United States, 2015

United States
Time period
September, 2012 to January, 2015
Total points
6 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Andrew Steele 27/09/2015

Divest UMaine formed in December, 2012 at the University of Maine by co-founders Brooke Lyons-Justus, Connor Scott, and Catherine Fletcher. Sparked by a growing disapproval of fossil fuels in the United States along with increased public awareness of global warming, UMaine students, staff, faculty, and alumni formed Divest UMaine and aimed to convince the University of Maine System to freeze assets invested in top 200 fossil fuel companies and to “reinvest in a sustainable, socially responsible alternatives.”

Washington University students sit-in to end university ties with Peabody Coal, 2014

United States
Time period
9 April, 2014 to 2 May, 2014
Economic Justice
Total points
2.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Stephen O'Hanlon, 08/03/2015

The Washington University in St. Louis student campaign to cut the university's ties with Peabody Coal came after months of community organizing in St. Louis against Peabody Energy, one the largest corporations in the city. During the spring of 2014, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) organized around the “Take Back St. Louis” ballot initiative, which would prevent fossil fuel companies like Peabody from taking advantage of city tax incentives. MORE argued that the money should be used to support underfunded city programs and schools.

Pitzer College Students Win Fossil Fuel Divestment 2012-2014

United States
Time period
November, 2012 to April, 2014
Human Rights
Total points
9.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Stephen O'Hanlon 07/02/2015

The Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement began in 2011 at Swarthmore College when Swarthmore Mountain Justice founded the first divestment campaign. The movement slowly grew throughout over the next year until launched their Do the Math nationwide speaking tour, which sparked rapid growth of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement around the country. Pitzer and Pomona College students who attended a Do the Math event at UCLA in November 2012 founded the Claremont Colleges Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign later that month.

Chinese residents and students stop petrochemical plant expansion in Ningbo, 2012

Time period
22 October, 2012 to 29 October, 2012
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Iris Fang, 11/11/2012

Just two weeks before the once-per-decade Communist Party congress to announce the party’s new leadership, farmers in the Zhenhai district of Zhejiang province expressed their concerns about pollution and the increasing number of internal organ diseases and cancer in the area by starting a campaign against the proposed expansion of the Zhenhai Refining & Chemical petrochemical plant. The plant was affiliated with Ningbo Sinopec, a branch of the state-owned Sinopec petroleum company.

Shifang students prevent copper plant construction, China, 2012

Time period
1 July, 2012 to 3 July, 2012
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Iris Fang, 14/10/2012

On 29 June 2012, the Shifang government in China’s Sichuan province announced the construction of a molybdenum-copper alloy factory.  High school students in the area who were concerned about the factory’s environmental impacts sent the government a petition calling for it to cancel the construction. Reports estimated that the factory would pollute a radius of 60 km, encompassing Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province.

Costa Ricans protest open pit gold mining, 2010

Costa Rica
Time period
April 20, 2010 to November, 2010
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kylin Navarro, 01/12/2010

In 2008, former President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias authorized the removal of over 600 acres of yellow almond trees in order to build a gold mine in Las Crucitas, a small town in Northern Costa Rica.  Costa Rican law prohibits the cutting down of these trees, as they are the main source of food for the endangered green macaw.  However, Arias went ahead with his authorization, making an agreement with Industrias Infinitos, a subsidiary of Infinito Gold Ltd., a Canadian mining company to mine an estimated $1 billion worth of gold.  

South Koreans protest government's lift of ban on US beef, 2008

South Korea
Time period
May, 2008 to August, 2008
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Julio Alicea, 09/05/2011

In 2003, the government of South Korea announced a ban on beef imported from the United States. Prior to the ban, South Korea had been the third largest purchaser of U.S. beef product. The decision to ban the product came after an animal in Washington was discovered to suffer from mad-cow disease. All together, more than fifty countries decided to ban U.S. beef imports after the incident, and consequently, the value of U.S. beef exports declined by $2.4 billion dollars over a three-year period.

University of North Carolina campaign against coal usage, 2009-2010

United States
Time period
September 28, 2009 to November 18, 2010
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kira Kern 19/02/2011

University of North Carolina (UNC) Sierra Student Coalition members and students created the Coal-Free UNC movement in an effort to end the University’s use of coal and close the on-campus coal plant.  Its goal is to eliminate coal on campus by 2015.  Coal-Free UNC also wanted the University to adhere to its green initiative EXPLAIN.  The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal national campaign to end dependence on coal and its use on campus, while encouraging the use of renewable sources of energy inspired UNC’s campaign.