153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition

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Nuxalk People obstruct logging of Itsa old-growth forest, 1995-1998

Time period
September, 1995 to October, 1998
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
William Lawrence, 08/05/2011

The Nuxalk people live mid-way up the British Columbian coast, in the region around the town Bella Coola. The Nuxalk have long refused to enter into any treaties with Canada or cede any of their ancestral territory to the national or provincial government. As such, they still claim sovereign rights to much land that the government claims belongs to it. One of those areas is King Island. On King Island is a valley called Itsa, which, according to the Nuxalk, is the sacred place of origin of their people.

German citizens defend democracy against Kapp Putsch, 1920

Time period
March 13, 1920 to March 17, 1920
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Adriana Popa 27/11/2010

In March 1920, Walther von Lüttwitz, a commanding general in the German army, and Wolfgang Kapp, a German provincial official (with the help of a few other German officials, such as Chief of Staff, General Hans von Seeckt and his collaborators in the Ministry of Defense), attempted a coup d'état (called the Kapp Putsch). The conspirators had two main aims in mind: to avoid the implementation of certain articles in the Treaty of Versailles (such as the reduction of the German army) and to replace the government of the Republic with a Rightist regime.

Chi Ha Kim’s Declaration of Conscience Delegitimizes Korean Dictator Park, 1975

South Korea
Time period
14 March, 1975 to 4 August, 1975
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Soul Han, 14/10/2012

Chi Ha Kim was a poet and playwright who gained prominence through his anti-establishment literature. He inspired many dissidents by inculcating them with courage to stand up against the illegitimate regime and exposing the corrupted nature of the current regime. One of his most renowned satires is The Five Bandits, in which he refers to the five bandits as congressman, military official, chairman, the Secretary, and public servant with a high rank, who hold a robbery contest in which the most corrupted wins. 

Moldovan citizens campaign for new elections, 2009

Time period
6 April, 2009 to 21 April, 2009
Total points
2 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Alexis Dziedziech 27/02/2013

The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) came to power in 2001. Since 2003 some Moldovans were in conflict with the government with regard to issues such as national identity and foreign policy. Many Moldovans still identified as Romanian, creating confusion and division as to which nationality was historically more accurate. Due to constant shifts in rulers and boundaries, there has been debate over whether the Moldovan or Romanian identity should be recognized by the government.