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Belgian doctors strike to block single-payer healthcare, 1964

Time period
roughly 1959-1964, 1964 to 1964
Economic Justice
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Clare Perez, 2/24/2015

During the 1950’s and 60’s, as many countries advanced and became more
industrialized, doctors in organized medicine tried to push back against
the post-World War II trend of increased state involvement in medical
care. The worry was that state involvement would, over time, reduce
doctors’ income and self-governance.  Belgium was a unitary state in the
1960’s and only became a constitutional federation in 1993. Belgium’s
social insurance system was private but also corporatist.  At the time,
the system consisted of five health insurance funds called mutualités.