Martinique workers campaign against high living costs, 2009


To gain wage increases (of about €300 monthly)
To attain pensions and residual benefits for persons not entitled to regular social security (indexed to inflation).
To gain price controls.

Time period

February 5, 2009 to March 14, 2009


Jump to case narrative

Methods in 1st segment

Methods in 2nd segment

Methods in 3rd segment

Methods in 4th segment

Segment Length

Approximately 6 days

Notes on Methods

Assemblies of protest and other tactics might have occurred at the beginning of the campaign, but they were not mentioned in the sources used.


Michel Monrose, leader of the Kolectif 5 Févryé (February 5 Collective), a coalition of trade unions and other social movements named after the day the strike began


Not Known

External allies

Supporters in Guadaloupe and France

Involvement of social elites

Not known.


The Martinique government and French colonial government

Nonviolent responses of opponent

Not known

Campaigner violence

In the center city, near the strike headquarters, protesters (it is unclear if these were the campaigners or those protesting the strike) hurled rocks at police, who then responded with tear gas. Demonstrators (again unclear) fired shotguns at police, injuring three officers

Some demonstrators (unclear if they were connected with the campaign) looted and vandalized stores, and lit cars on fire during 2 days in late February.

Repressive Violence

Police officers repressed demonstrators with tear gas.


Economic Justice



Group characterization

Workers and trade union members

Additional notes on joining/exiting order

All social groups seemed to have been participating from the start

Segment Length

Approximately 6 days

Success in achieving specific demands/goals

4 out of 6 points


1 out of 1 points


3 out of 3 points

Total points

8 out of 10 points

Notes on outcomes

Major businesses agreed on lower prices for about 400 basic necessities by 20 percent a month after the stores would reopen. The agreement called for a €200 monthly wage increase for 47,000 low-wage earners and smaller increases for workers with higher incomes. The workers would also receive retroactive pay until May 1. There were no publicized negotiations or agreements set on price controls, social minima, or pensions.

The campaign leadership structure survived until the agreement was made in mid-March.

The campaign incorporated a huge portion of the working population of Martinique and also gained support from France and other French departments.

Database Narrative

In Martinique, a small Caribbean island and overseas department of France, 70,000 people live below the poverty line. Before this campaign, the people of Martinique had been experiencing a continuing increase in layoffs and precariousness in work while the purchasing power continued to decrease. Unemployment was at 23 percent, while most of the basic food items shipped in from France remained very expensive. A neighboring French island, Guadaloupe, experiencing the same economic conditions, held a general strike on January 20.  On February 5, a coalition of trade unions, called the February 5 Collective, on the island of Martinique decided to hold its own anti-inflation, multi-industry strike. The strikers demanded a monthly wage increase of €300, pensions and inflation-indexed social minima, residual benefits for persons not entitled to regular social security, and price controls.

The social upheaval heightened the tension between the workers (black majority, descendants of slaves) and those who controlled the majority of Martinique's economy and retail (white minority, descendants of slave traders and colonists). Throughout the crippling strike, many workers took to the street to defend their positions.  On February 24 and 25 protesters created barriers with trash cans and set them on fire, blocking several streets of the capital, Fort-de-France. These protesters also stole a car and tractor and crashed them into two different stores. Around 20 small stores and two mid-sized stores were looted and vandalized; several cars were also set on fire.

A violent episode broke out on March 6 in Fort-de-France, while farmers and businessmen demonstrated against the strike. In the center city, near the strike headquarters, protesters (it is unclear if these were the campaigners or those protesting the strike) hurled rocks at police, who then responded with tear gas. Demonstrators (again unclear) fired shotguns at police, injuring three officers.

On March 10, thousands marched in Fort-de-France chanting slogans directed toward the békés, the Creole term for the wealthy whites living in Martinique. Because of the strike's devastating effect on Martinique's economy, the government decided to begin negotiations. On March 11, an agreement was signed which stipulated that workers would receive €200 monthly wage increase for 47,000 low-wage earners and smaller increases for workers with higher incomes. The workers would also receive retroactive pay until May 1. Major businesses had also previously agreed to lower prices for about 400 basic necessities by 20 percent a month after the stores reopened. On this day, about 20,000 strikers and strike supporters assembled and celebrated the victory throughout the streets. They repeated the slogan 'Matinik leve' ('Martinique stand up' in Creole).

Even after the victory Michel Monrose, leader of the February 5 Collective claimed that the coalition reserved the right to reinstate the campaign if the agreement was not kept.

Martinique's striking spirit spread to the French island of La Réunion, where, on March 19th, the island's worker's coalition called for massive mobilization. 


The 44-day general strike that ended on March 4 in the neighboring island of Guadaloupe resulted in similar agreements and influenced this campaign in Martinique (see "Native Guadeloupeans campaign against high living costs, 2009") (1).

The Martinique campaign also influenced a similar movement in La Réunion, another French department in the Caribbean (see "La Réunion Workers campaign for greater buying power, 2009") (2).


Fidler, Richard. "Martinique general strike ends in victory: Mobilisations, victories in overseas colonies set example for French workers."Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal. 5 Nov. 2009 <>

"Appeal for calm following clashes in Martinique." Agence France Presse. 7 Mar. 2009.

"Crippling Martinique strike veers to an end". Agence France Presse. 14 Mar. 2009.

"Guadeloupe and Martinique: ‘Stand Up Against The Profiteers’!" La Forge <>

"Guadeloupe strike leader agrees to resume negotiations, Agence France Presse. 20 Feb. 2009.

"New violence erupts on French island Martinique" Agence France Presse. 26 Feb. 2009.

Additional Notes

Edited by Max Rennebohm (17/05/2011)

Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy

Aurora Muñoz 12/12/2009