South Korean Hyundai autoworkers gain higher wages and fewer working hours 2012


Increase in wages, elimination of overnight shifts, hiring of all temporary workers as permanent workers.

Time period notes

Negotiations between Hyundai Motor Company and its union began in May 2012, and broke down in late June.

Time period

12th July, 2012 to 4th September, 2012


South Korea

Location City/State/Province


Location Description

Strikes took place nationwide in
Jump to case narrative

Methods in 2nd segment

  • Refusal to work overtime on 25th July; 2 hour strikes on 26th and 27th July

Methods in 4th segment

  • by temporary workers' union only on 16th July
  • Refusal to work overtime on 11th, 12th, and 15th of August; 4 hour strikes on 13th, and 14th of August; 2 hour strike on 16th of August

Methods in 5th segment

  • of support for hiring of temporary workers as permanent workers by Seoul National University Student Association
  • 4 hour strike on 28th of August; 6 hour strikes on 29th, and 30th August

Segment Length

9 days

Notes on Methods

Temporary workers' union held their own limited strikes alongside the regular union members, but for shorter periods of time.
Unions did not hold strikes during the 6th segment in an effort to finalise on deals with the Hyundai Motor Company.


Yongmoon Moon (Hyundai Motor Co. Worker Union leader)


Hyundai Motor Co. temporary worker union

External allies

Ewha Womans University Student Association, Seoul National University Student Association


Hyundai Motor Company.

Nonviolent responses of opponent

Blocking of entrance of factory by police and Hyundai Motor Company managers.

Campaigner violence

Minor scuffles between Hyundai Motor Company officials and by union members.

Repressive Violence

Beating of Hyundai Motor Company temporary workers' union leaders by Hyundai Motor Company officials.


Economic Justice



Group characterization


Groups in 1st Segment

Hyundai Motor Co. Worker Union
Hyundai Motor Co. temporary worker union

Groups in 5th Segment

Seoul National University Student Association
Ewha Womans University Student Association

Segment Length

9 days

Success in achieving specific demands/goals

4 out of 6 points


1 out of 1 points


2 out of 3 points

Total points

7 out of 10 points

Notes on outcomes

The hiring of temporary workers as permanent workers was made separate from the negotiations between the Hyundai Motor Company and the Hyundai Motor Company union. Thus, the final settlement only involved increase in wages, and phasing out of night shifts.

Database Narrative

On 10 May 2012, Hyundai Motor Company and its union in South Korea began negotiating the terms of a new labour contract. Among other demands, the union demanded higher wages, an end to overnight shifts, and transition of all temporary workers to permanent positions. Negotiations stalled in the following months and finally collapsed on  28 June. Hyundai Motor company union subsequently called for a vote on holding strikes, and confirmed these plans on the 4 July, with an approval of 82.1% of its voting members.
 The Hyundai Motor Company union began its strike on 13 July 2012, ending its three-year record of uninterrupted work. The union held limited strikes lasting for four hours from 1pm till 4pm. Night shift workers conducted strikes for 2 hours from 2am till 4am, and temporary workers also joined in with 4 hour strikes. The union members rallied in front of the car-making factory in Ulsan, singing and waving banners demanding that the company accede to their terms. Hyundai Motor Company denounced the strikes as counter-productive and warned that, given the weak economic environment due to the failing euro, the union strikes would only serve to damage the auto-industry, and the economic welfare of the workers themselves.
 The union re-entered negotiations with the company, and in the meanwhile, continued to hold strikes. Union members refused to work overtime on 25 July and conducted strikes for 2 hours on the 26 and 27, causing production loss of 14,058 vehicles.
 On 9 August, the union and the company resumed negotiations. The union timed strikes to begin with the negotiations, holding series of limited strikes from that date. Union members staged walkouts for 3 hours on the 8, 9, and 10 of August, and for 4 hours on the 13 and 14 of August. In addition, union members refused to work overtime on 11, 12, and 15 of August, and conducted a 2-hour strike on the 16 August. The Hyundai Motor Company temporary workers’ union held a one-day strike on the 16 August protesting the hiring of strikebreakers.
 Negotiations between the union and the company stalled when the temporary workers’ union blocked the entrance to the meeting venue. Hyundai Motor Company union considered delaying the debate around the transition of temporary workers to permanent positions to a later date and the temporary workers’ union staged a lie-in to protest. The Hyundai Motor Company and its union could only meet from the 20 August. During this time, the temporary workers’ union reported cases of kidnapping and beating against its leaders. Indeed, the union members caught some of the perpetrators and identified them as Hyundai Motor Company security officials. The company denied involvement in the matter, and the union held press conferences to complain about the violence.
 Union members gained some public support after Ewha Womans University and Seoul National University Student Associations both declared solidarity with temporary workers. They declared that they “fully supported the fight towards transition of all temporary workers to permanent positions.” The union held a 4-hour strike on 28 August, and escalated the conflict by holding 6-hour strikes on 29, and 30 August. Negotiations again stalled after the temporary workers’ union blocked the entrance to the meeting hall from 29 to 30 August.
 The union and the company entered final phases of negotiations during the end of August and no strikes were held in that period. On the 4 September, the union declared it accepted the terms of the company, with 52.7% of its voting members in accordance. The final agreements contained increases in wages and an end to overnight shifts. Issues surrounding the temporary workers were to be debated at a later date. The temporary workers’ union protested strongly against these final arrangements through further rallies, but to no avail. The 2012 strike was the costliest strike in Hyundai Motor Company’s history, and incurred the loss of 79,362 vehicles in production. 


Hyundai Motor Company union is known for its militant character. It has conducted strikes every year since its founding in 1987 to 2008 (1).
South Korea was embroiled in many other labour disputes, including those in the auto industry such as Kia Motors and General Motors. Conclusion of the Hyundai Motor Company dispute contributed positively to these negotiations (2).


Anon. 2012. “현대차 등 금속노조 13만 명 내일 총파업.” (13,000 Hyundai Motors and Metal Workers Labour Union members to strike tomorrow) YTN. Retrieved March 29, 2015 (
Anon. 2012. “현대차 4년만에 파업2차 투쟁도 예고.” (Hyundai Motors union warn subsequent strike following strike ending 4-year rest) NaverNews. Retrieved March 29, 2015 (
Anon. 2012. “Hyundai, Kia Unions to Stage 8-hour Strikes.” NewsBank. Retrieved March 29, 2015 (
Byun, Uihyun. 2012. “현대차 勞-勞 갈등 심화일부 현장조직·비정규직 협상장 봉쇄 (종합).” (Hyundai Motors inter-union conflict brought to the fore. Temporary workers union blockade negotiation venue) news1. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Byun, Uihyun. 2012. “현대차 노노갈등 심화일부 조합원 협상장 또 봉쇄 (종합).” (Hyundai Motors inter-union conflict exacerbates, another blockade of negotiation venue) news1. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Byun, Uihyun. 2012. “현대차 노사, 오늘 노노갈등에 막혔던 교섭 재개.” (Hyundai Motors Company union resume talks after blockade of negotiation venue) news1. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Byun, Uihyun. 2012. “[속보] 현대차 비정규직 노조도 13일 정규직 부분파업에 동참.” (Hyundai Motors temporary workers’ union to join strikes on 13th) news1. Retrieved March 29, 2015 (
Byun, Uihyun. 2012. “현대차 노조, 쟁의발생 결의4년만에 파업 결행?(종합).” (Hyundai Motors Company union to strike after 4 years of uninterrupted work?) news1. Retrieved March 29, 2015 (
Byun, Uihyun. 2012. “현대차 노조 ‘8월 총력 투쟁’ 계속사흘째 부분파업.”(Hyundai Motors Company union to continue ‘all-out’ partial strikes) news1. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Jang, Youngeun. 2012. “현대차 4시간 부분파업…일주일만에 교섭재개.” (Hyundai Motors union 4-hour strikes… resumes negotiations after one week) NaverNews. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Kim, HyungOok. 2012. “현대차 임협 완전타결 조합원 투표 52.7% 찬성 가결.” (Hyundai Motors union vote 52.7% in favour of final agreement) edaily. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Kim, Rose. 2012. “Hyundai Motor, Workers Agree to End Costliest Strike.” Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Lee, Eunji. 2012. “현대차노조, 요구안 안 받아들여지면 8월 무기한 총파업도 불사.” (Hyundai Motors Company union threaten indefinite strikes in August should their demands go unheeded) news1. Retrieved March 29, 2015 (
Lee, Youkyung. 2012. “Hyundai Motor Labor Union Resume Strike.” NewsBank. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Park, Sukchul. 2012. “"현대차, 또 비정규직노조 간부 폭행" 주장 파문 확산.” (Further rumours of Hyundai Motors Company’s use of violence against union leaders) Ohmynews. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Park, Sukchul. 2012. “밤샘노동 사라지는 현대차 노조 현장조직은 '반발'.” (End of overnight shifts - Hyundai Motors labour strikes site see ‘resistance’)Ohmynews. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Park, Sukchul. 2012. “현대차 비정규직 노조, '전면파업' 돌입.” (Hyundai Motors temporary workers’ union go into ‘all-out’ strike) Ohmynews. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Park, Sukchul. 2012. “서울대 총학 "현대차 3천명 정규직 채용, 대국민 사기극".” (Seoul National University Student Association denounce the hiring of 3000 temporary workers as permanent workers as ‘national facade’)Ohmynews. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Park, Sukchul. 2012. “현대차 정규직·비정규직노조 3일간 동시 파업.” (Hyundai Motors Company union and temporary workers’ union hold coordinated strikes for 3 days) Ohmynews. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Shin, Dongmyeong. 2012. “현대차노조, 4년 만의 부분파업.” (Hyundai Motors Company union hold limited strikes for the first time in 4 years) Hankyoreh. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Song, Jung-a. 2012. “Hyundai Union Gives 'all out Strike' Warning.” NewsBank. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (
Song, Jung-a. 2012. “Hyundai Workers to Stage Fresh Strikes.” NewsBank. Retrieved March 30, 2015 (

Additional Notes

Temporary workers' union blocked a meeting between Hyundai Motor Co. and the Hyundai Motor Co. union between 17th and 20th of August, and 29th and 30th of August in disagreement over terms of negotiations.

Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy

Dong Shin You, 29/03/2015