002. Letters of opposition or support

Primarily private letters signed by individuals or groups; sometimes they may be revealed publicly, but even so they take the form of a private letter and are directed to an opponent or someone who is taking a stand that one agrees with.

Showing 326-328 of 328 results

Irish citizens campaign against conscription by the British Government, 1918

Time period
14 April, 1918 to 18 July, 1918
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Zach Lytle, 29/05/2019

World War I broke out on 28 July 1914, pitting an alliance spearheaded by Germany and Austria-Hungary against the forces of the United Kingdom (UK), France, Russia, and their allies. Due to paradigm shifts in military technology, the war quickly turned continental Europe into a charnel house. Nations soon found themselves requiring more manpower than ever before to maintain their war efforts.

United Kingdom doctors strike against changes to pension plan, 2012

United Kingdom
Time period
14 May, 2012 to 19 July, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Matt Koucky 29/05/2019

In 2012, the United Kingdom (UK) National Health Service (NHS)—the country’s public healthcare provider—proposed changes to healthcare policy in the UK. These changes would raise the retirement age for medical doctors from 60 years of age to 68 years of age, and increase fees on retirement funds above the normal level for public workers. The changes also made it easier for the NHS to subcontract care to private firms. Medical doctors in the public system, led by the British Medical Association (BMA)—their union—proposed a strike.

University of Kentucky Students Hunger Strike to Meet Basic Needs, 2019.

United States
Time period
27 March, 2019 to 2 April, 2019
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Olivia Robbins 29/05/2019

In a public announcement, students expressed that “Until the University of Kentucky stops denying students the right to food and housing, we will deny ourselves food […] We have tried rallies, phone zaps, and student assemblies. Nothing has worked. What we are facing is not just resistance to the Basic Needs Campaign. We face a University of Kentucky that puts profit over people. It is time for UK administrators to acknowledge the magnitude of the problem we face and act in proportion.”