004. Signed public statements

These are directed primarily to the general public.

Showing 51-75 of 114 results

Bolivian journalists protect freedom of expression, 2010

Time period
September, 2010 to 6 January, 2011
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Carmen Smith-Estrada, 25/11/2011

Since taking office in 2005, Bolivian President Evo Morales had an increasingly tenuous relationship with the domestic media. On multiple occasions he accused newspapers of being the mouthpieces of the opposition, particularly if they criticized a state policy. The growing polarization between Morales’ Movement for Socialism Party (MAS) and the opposition parties was often reflected in the “media war” between state-owned news outlets and privately owned companies. Parties on both sides perpetuated the war by threatening journalists across the political spectrum.

Kenyan women sex strike against government's paralysis, 2009

Time period
April, 2009 to May, 2009
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
7 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Hannah Lehmann, 4/12/2011

By 2009, post-election violence had killed 1,500 people and forced 600,000 from their homes.  In order to end this violence, President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga agreed to share leadership power in Kenya.  However, this relationship began to deteriorate due to the leaders’ divergent policies and visions for the country. In April 2009, activist women in Kenya took matters into their own hands and organized a seven-day sex strike to force their leaders to reconcile and move forward.

Pakistanis win change in national rape and sex laws, 2002-2006

Time period
December, 2002 to December, 2006
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Morial Shah, 28/10/2011

In 1983, Pakistan’s infamous Hudood Ordinances made it possible for the state to punish Safia, a blind 15-year-old victim of rape. Her crime? She was raped, but could not bring four male Muslim witnesses to prove it. The judge convicted Safia for adultery, ordered public flogging and sentenced her to three years in prison. Women’s activists from across Pakistan took to the streets to protest this judgment and the Hudood Ordinances that made the conviction possible.

Brazilian Indigenous protest construction of Belo Monte Dam on Xingu River in Brazilian Amazon, 2008-2011

Time period
2008 to Fall, 2011
Human Rights
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Chelsea Caldwell, 23/04/2012

During the 1970s, when Brazil was ruled by a military dictatorship, the proposal of building several hydroelectric dams on the Xingu River was first presented. These dams were suggested as a way to increase energy supply to Brazil. The location of these proposed dams, along the Xingu River, was within the Brazilian Amazon in the region of Para, Brazil. The proposal was eventually put on hold, due to controversy regarding the dams’ potential location on idigenous land.

Congolese win independence from the Belgian Empire, 1959-60

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Time period
May, 1959 to May, 1960
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
David Zhou, 12/03/2012

In the 1950s, revolution was brewing in the Belgian Congo. Africans living in colonized countries felt the winds of change swirling as their mother countries in Europe struggled to stand back up after suffering often devastating defeats in World War II, championing the ideal self determination and freedom while continuing to oppress their colonies.

Danilo Dolci leads fast and reverse strike for employment, 1956

Time period
29 January, 1956 to 2 February, 1956
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kevin Strand, 23/03/2012

One of the most prophetic activists and philosophers from the Western World was Danilo Dolci of Italy. To many he was known as the “Gandhi of Italy” and he devoted the majority of his life’s work to improve the conditions of the impoverished parts of Italy and especially the slums of Sicily. When he was 24 he renounced his middle class heritage, and moved to Western Sicily in order to begin a campaign to ease the poor conditions of southern Italy. He identified the problems that plagued Sicily as: severe unemployment, starvation, poverty, and Mafia influences.

Cambodian Migrant Workers Strike at Phatthana Seafood Factory

Time period
April 8, 2012 to May 17, 2012
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Chris Baker Evens 15/06/2012

Thailand is one of the world's largest exporters of shrimp, with customers all over the globe including the US, Europe and Australia. Walmart's purchases of Thai shrimp provided around 70 percent of the US market.

On 23 January 2012 Keo Ratha, a Cambodian migrant worker at the Phatthana Seafood Factory in Thailand, contacted the Cambodian newspaper Phnom Penh Post to call attention to poor working conditions and broken contractual agreements with the factory and CDM Trading Manpower, the company which recruited hundreds of Cambodians to work at the factory.

Cambodians win release of prisoners taken during nonviolent invasion to defend neighborhood, 2012

Time period
22 May, 2012 to 27 June, 2012
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Chris Baker Evens 25/07/2012

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is situated on the confluence of four rivers: the Upper and Lower Mekong rivers, the Bassac River and the Tonle Sap river. The surrounding area is flat and low-lying, subject to annual flooding. Natural lakes formed as the rivers changed course over time and communities grew up around the edges of these lakes, using them for fishing and aquatic agriculture. 

Yemenis oust Saleh regime (Yemen Revolution), 2011-2012

Time period
16 January, 2011 to 27 February, 2012
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Chris Baker Evens, Alia Harb and Hannah Jones, 28/08/2012

In January 2011, in the wake of the Tunisian revolution and in the midst of the Egyptian revolution, Yemeni students and youth began a yearlong revolution to oust the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh, president for the past thirty years. This revolution did not come without great cost. More than 2,000 people were killed (including protesters, military defectors and children) and more than 22,000 people were wounded.

Outside observers campaign for prison reform at Walpole Prison, U.S., 1973

United States
Time period
7 March, 1973 to 13 July, 1973
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Anjali Cadambi, 29/11/2010

Walpole was a maximum-security prison in South Walpole, Massachusetts. The Observer Program’s campaign to bring civilian volunteers into Walpole Prison formed part of a larger movement of opposition to cruelties of the prison system. It also coincided with, and helped to support, a campaign by inmates at Walpole under a local chapter of the National Prisoners Reform Association (NPRA) to take control of the prison. Read about the prisoners’ nonviolent campaign in this database: “U.S. prisoners take control of Walpole Prison, 1973”.

Macalester students stage sit-in to oppose sweatshop apparel, 2000

United States
Time period
6 March, 2000 to 17 March, 2000
Human Rights
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Samantha Shain, 16/09/2012

Like students at many other colleges and universities at the turn of the millennium, students at Macalester College began to react against sweatshop and anti-union corporations that supplied the school store with apparel in 2000.  Inspired by student activism at Duke University the previous year and a highly publicized sit-in at the University of Pennsylvania the previous month, Macalester students escalated their campaign on Monday morning, March 6, with a sit-in on the steps of the President’s office.  

South Korean NGOs defy corrupt politicians, gain greater democracy, 2000

South Korea
Time period
12 January, 2000 to 13 April, 2000
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Soul Han, 07/10/2012

South Korea had its 16th general election on 13 April 2000, and its outlook was not bright for many people. Many predicted that the new election would not diverge much from the scenes of the last election in 1996, which was largely problematic. Despite the democratic transformation since 1987, some incumbents and authority figures solidified their power through undemocratic means. Corruption was not hard to find in the election. Some played into and boosted the existing regionalist sentiments that had been largely shaped by the military dictatorship of the past.

University of Virginia community acts to reinstate ousted president, US, 2012

United States
Time period
10 June, 2012 to 26 June, 2012
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lekey Leidecker, 04/11/2012

Teresa Sullivan took the position of President of the University of Virginia prior to the 2010-2011 school year. The Rector of the Board of Visitors (BOV), Helen Dragas, began in October 2011 to carry out a plan to remove Sullivan from office. 

Indian guest workers protest exploitation, United States, 2008

United States
Time period
March, 2007 to June, 2008
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
7 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Christopher Capron, 28/10/2012

The United States has a visa program called the H-2B visa. It allows employers to hire foreigners and let them come temporarily to work in the United States, usually for a one-time or peak load basis. The program was being expanded and supported in 2006, and Signal International, LLC (a subcontractor of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation), which works with oil rigs in Southern Gulf Coast of the US and in Texas, asked to hire around 550 Indian metalworkers to repair damage done after Hurricane Katrina.

Germans reclaim Heligoland from the United Kingdom, 1951

Time period
December, 1950 to January, 1951
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Christopher Capron, 18/11/2012

Heligoland (also spelled Helgoland) is an archipelago 46 kilometers off the German coastline in the North Sea. The two small islands are less than 2 square kilometers in total, but the British, Danish and Germans have hotly contested the land over the centuries. In the Second World War, the British Air Force frequently bombed the islands, most notably in air to sea battles in 1939 and in 1945, when the residents of the island were forced to abandon their rock shelters and evacuate due to an enormous Allied air raid. 

Students and doctors protest reservation/affirmative-action system in India, 2006-2008

Time period
April, 2006 to May, 2008
Economic Justice
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Christopher Capron, 25/11/2012

India has maintained much of its traditional caste system, which separates communities based on the socioeconomic status of the communities’ forefathers. Early 20th century constitutional reforms prevented the kind of medieval discrimination that used to make some castes literally ‘untouchable’. The untouchables were replaced by what are referred to as ‘scheduled tribes’ (STs), ‘scheduled castes’ (SCs) and ‘other backward castes’ (OBCs) that collectively refer to India’s socioeconomically disadvantaged people. Combined, they represent about 85% of India’s population.

Political dissident Young Sam Kim stages hunger strike to solidify the dissidents in pro-democracy movement, 1983

South Korea
United States
Time period
18 May, 1983 to 9 June, 1983
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Soul Han, 02/12/2012

Doo Hwan Chun filled the power void in South Korea through his military coup right after the assassination of the former President Jung Hee Park in 1979. He became the president after amending the Constitutional Law that turned the presidential election into an indirect election—one that he could easily manipulate.

Yale University students protest sweatshop labor, 2000

United States
Time period
1 March, 2000 to 20 April, 2000
Human Rights
Total points
1.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Nicole A. Richards, 02/12/2012

On 1 March 2000, 400 Yale University students rallied to demand that their administration withdraw from the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and join the Workers Rights Consortium (WRC) instead. Both organizations focused on monitoring sweatshop labor and apparel companies overseas to ensure that the workers in these companies receive fair treatment; however, universities across the country began to oppose the FLA and argue that it did not actually monitor the companies properly or ensure good working conditions for employees. 

Harvard students campaign for a living wage, 1998-2002

United States
Time period
September, 1998 to February, 2002
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Nikki Richards, 10/12/2012

In the fall of 1998, Harvard students began a Living Wage Campaign that would last for almost four years. The Campaign was headed by the Progressive Student Labor Movement (PSLM) and aimed to help all Harvard employees receive a “living wage”. The demands of the LWC were that each Harvard employee (janitors, security guards, cafeteria workers, etc.) receive a wage of $10 per hour or more. Most workers were receiving the minimum wage at the time, which was around $6.50. In 1998 Cambridge, MA, this was not enough to get by individually, let alone to support a family.

Swarthmore students campaign for card check neutrality in workers' unionizing, 2006

United States
Time period
March, 2006 to May, 2006
Economic Justice
Total points
1 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Andrés Cordero, 03/02/2013

Swarthmore College is a small liberal arts college close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  During the spring semester of 2006 campus workers at Swarthmore began to organize a union. For the union to be established a significant number of the workers had to vote in favor. However, some workers felt that the election method at the college, the standard National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) method, did not support a safe environment for the workers to freely express themselves.

Native American and environmentalist groups block nuclear waste site in Ward Valley, California, 1995-2000

United States
Time period
10 October, 1995 to November, 2000
Human Rights
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Fatimah Hameed 10/02/2013

In March of 1988, U.S. Ecology, a national dump operating company, decided upon Ward Valley, California as the most desired location for building a new nuclear waste dump. Because this was federal land in the state, the government of California needed to buy Ward Valley land from the Bureau of Land Management in order to give U.S. Ecology the rights to build the dump. The Valley, however, is located in the Mojave Desert, an area home to an endangered species of desert tortoise considered sacred to a number of Native American tribes.

U.S. Anti-nuclear activists partially block establishment of nuclear power plant in Limerick, PA, 1977-82

United States
Time period
December, 1977 to May, 1982
Economic Justice
Total points
6 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
John Pontillo, 24/03/2013, drawing on additional research by Matthew Turner

In the early 1970s, the state of Pennsylvania proposed a plan for building a nuclear power plant in Limerick, PA, to provide power to residents in Montgomery County, PA. Around that time, the Environmental Protection Agency declared that the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) must conduct a study to determine the impact a nuclear power plant would have in the town of Limerick, and the surrounding county.

Maori New Zealanders occupy Raglan Golf Course, win back land rights, 1975-1983

New Zealand
Human Rights
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lydia Bailey, 09/02/2013

During World War I, the New Zealand government seized burial grounds and traditionally valuable land from the Tainui Awhiro people to build an air base and bunker. Ten years after the end of the war, in 1928, the Public Works Act codified the government’s justification for keeping the land. 

Sarayaku people successfully defend their land against oil extraction, Ecuador, 1996-2012

Time period
August, 1996 to July, 2012
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Gabriel Gabriel, April 12, 2013

On 6 August 1996, Argentinean General Fuel Company, also known as Compañía General de Combustibles (CGC), signed a contract with the Ministry of Energy and Mines in Ecuador without consultation of Kichwa natives of Sarayaku. The contract allowed CGC to exploit and explore 200,000 hectares of Block 23. 

Algonquins campaign against uranium mining, Ontario, Canada, 2007-2008

Time period
29 June, 2007 to 1 December, 2008
Human Rights
Total points
2.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Emma Mae Boddy 02/03/2013 and Laura Rigell 20/08/2014

The Frontenac Ventures Development Corporation received from the Ontario government in Canada a permit to begin exploratory drilling for uranium on 30,000 acres of Canadian Crown land in its eastern region of Sharbot Lake. In June 2007, the company began surveying.  The company planned to dig trenches, log the forest, and remove core mineral samples.