097. Protest strike

Also called token strike and demonstration strike, lasts for a preannounced amount of time, often one hour or a day. No specific demands are made, but this action is merely an expression of a viewpoint or feelings on an issue. A protest strike is sometimes used as a warning before other forms of the strike are used.

Showing 76-100 of 119 results

Germans defend Ruhr Valley from French and Belgian invasion (Ruhrkampf), 1923

Time period
January 11, 1923 to September 26, 1923
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Maurice Weeks and Max Rennebohm, 21/07/2008 and 10/09/2011

Following a loss in World War I, Germany was charged to pay reparations for their destructive role. The bill was $33 billion. Germany had been weakened by the war and paying the reparations at the rate in which they were due would have completely crippled the country. Germany therefore tried to gain more time to pay. The Germans set forth a proposal for U.S banks to loan funds for the reparations and for France to reevaluate the reparations.

Filipinos protest against Bataan Nuclear Power Plant and U.S. military bases, 1983-1986

Time period
October, 1983 to April, 1986
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Hannah Lehmann, 25/09/2011

In July 1973, then-Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos announced the decision to build the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) in response to the Philippines’ economic crisis at the time. The Middle East oil embargo was putting incredible stress on the Philippine economy. For the Marcos regime, investing in nuclear power was the solution to their dependence on imported oil and energy demands. However, Bataan residents and Philippine citizens responded in fierce opposition to the new plant due to its threat to public health.

Chilean copper miners strike for bonus pay at Escondida mine, 2011

Time period
21 July, 2011 to 05 August, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Carmen Smith-Estrada, 17/10/2011

After Augosto Pinochet took power in 1973, Chile depended increasingly on its copper industry to fuel the country’s export-oriented economy. In the 1990s, the Chilean government allowed for the construction of privately owned mines. One such mine was Escondida, which became the world’s largest copper mine in terms of production. The mine was co-owned by four multinational companies, with BHP Billiton controlling the majority of its shares.

Ecuadorians general strike and protest to oust president Abdala Bucaram, 1997

Time period
11 January, 1997 to 6 February, 1997
Economic Justice
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Elena Ruyter, 23/10/2011

Ecuador ushered in a democratic process of election after 1978, following six years of military governments and coups d’état. During that time, the public demanded increasingly for democracy, prompting government officials to change the constitution in support of democratic elections beginning in 1979. Since then, Ecuador’s election process has involved more than six candidates in each election, and each elected president had finished their respective term. Abdala Bucaram broke that record.

Egyptians campaign for independence, 1919-1922

Time period
13 January, 1919 to February, 1922
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Elliana Bisgaard-Church, 23/10/2011

Egypt became a British protectorate on December 14, 1914.  During World War I agitation towards the British increased as all sects of the population united in their discontent. British rule caused Egypt’s involvement in the war to increase – 1.5 million Egyptians were conscripted in the Labour Corps and much of the country’s infrastructure was seized for the army – contributing to the dissatisfaction.

Bolivian journalists protect freedom of expression, 2010

Time period
September, 2010 to 6 January, 2011
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Carmen Smith-Estrada, 25/11/2011

Since taking office in 2005, Bolivian President Evo Morales had an increasingly tenuous relationship with the domestic media. On multiple occasions he accused newspapers of being the mouthpieces of the opposition, particularly if they criticized a state policy. The growing polarization between Morales’ Movement for Socialism Party (MAS) and the opposition parties was often reflected in the “media war” between state-owned news outlets and privately owned companies. Parties on both sides perpetuated the war by threatening journalists across the political spectrum.

Indian people gain major anti-corruption measure led by Anna Hazare's fast, India, 2011

Time period
April 4, 2011 to August 28, 2011
Total points
7 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Thomas Fortuna, (01/12/2011), updated by George Lakey 8/20/14.

According to the World Bank, about $1 trillion (USD) is paid in bribes annually worldwide; in India, alone, the economy is estimated to have lost half a trillion (USD) to corruption since her independence, and more than half of the country is estimated to have first-hand experience paying bribes or influence peddling. 

Portuguese workers campaign for societal change (Ongoing Revolutionary Process), 1974-1976

Time period
25 April, 1974 to 25 April, 1976
Economic Justice
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Thomas Fortuna, 30/11/2011

In the midst of the depression sweeping the globe during the 1930s, Portugal’s finance minister, António de Oliveira Salazar, established the Estado Novo (the New State), a right-wing, pro-Catholic, corporatist authoritarian regime. Based on “patriotism, paternalism, and prudence,” Salazar promised financial stability and economic growth. By the 1960s, Portugal was enjoying reasonably stable economic growth, but nearly all of that growth was absorbed by either Portugal’s “twenty families” or the regime.

French youth and unions' general strike defeat new employment law, 2006

Time period
7 February, 2006 to 10 April, 2006
Economic Justice
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Thomas Fortuna, 07/12/2011

January of 2006 in France was tense time. Economic growth in 2005 had been unexpectedly poor and national unemployment was at nearly 10%, totaling more than 2.5 million people. Youth unemployment was particularly problematic, with the under-26 population suffering a joblessness rate of 22-23% nationwide and 40% or 50% in France’s poorest communities.  In fact, youth angst and dissatisfaction, significantly influenced by the high unemployment rate, was so high by the end of 2005 that urban riots forced France to declare a two month state of emergency.

Guineans campaign against government repression, 2009

Time period
28 October, 2009 to 30 October, 2009
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Matthew Heck, 21/11/2010

Since gaining independence from France in 1958, autocratic rulers have controlled Guinea and made it one of the poorest countries in the world despite the fact that the country is rich in aluminum.  The first ruler, Ahmed Sékou Touré, held office for almost 30 years until his death.  Lansansa Conté seized power through a coup d’état after this and maintained his rule until 2008 when he also died.  Then, Moussa “Dadis” Camara seized control of the government through another coup d’état on December 23, 2008.  Though the government remained fairly stable throughout this tim

Brazilian Indigenous protest construction of Belo Monte Dam on Xingu River in Brazilian Amazon, 2008-2011

Time period
2008 to Fall, 2011
Human Rights
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Chelsea Caldwell, 23/04/2012

During the 1970s, when Brazil was ruled by a military dictatorship, the proposal of building several hydroelectric dams on the Xingu River was first presented. These dams were suggested as a way to increase energy supply to Brazil. The location of these proposed dams, along the Xingu River, was within the Brazilian Amazon in the region of Para, Brazil. The proposal was eventually put on hold, due to controversy regarding the dams’ potential location on idigenous land.

Guatemalan indigenous peoples campaign for equal rights, 1977-1981

Time period
1 May, 1977 to 14 February, 1981
Human Rights
National/Ethnic Identity
Economic Justice
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Mackenzie Welch, 17/03/2012

On February 4, 1976, a massive earthquake hit the highlands of Guatemala and displaced more than one million people. Indigenous groups from the departments of Sacatepequez, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, and Quiche were hit the hardest and the weak response from the national government brought to light the racial inequalities affecting indigenous peoples.

Yemenis oust Saleh regime (Yemen Revolution), 2011-2012

Time period
16 January, 2011 to 27 February, 2012
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Chris Baker Evens, Alia Harb and Hannah Jones, 28/08/2012

In January 2011, in the wake of the Tunisian revolution and in the midst of the Egyptian revolution, Yemeni students and youth began a yearlong revolution to oust the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh, president for the past thirty years. This revolution did not come without great cost. More than 2,000 people were killed (including protesters, military defectors and children) and more than 22,000 people were wounded.

Bolivians successfully oust military regime, 1982

Time period
1 September, 1982 to 17 September, 1982
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Rosanna Kim, 23/09/2012

Bolivia’s transition to a democratic government began in 1978 when then military dictator Hugo Banzer Suarez stepped down after international and internal pressure for Bolivia to hold democratic elections. While the Democratic Popular Union (Unidad Democratica y Popular, UDP), led by Hernan Siles Zuazo, won the 1978 elections, Juan Pereda Asbum, Banzer’s chosen successor, launched a military coup and declared the elections invalid.

Bolivians strike, protest, offer resignations against the President’s economic policy, 1956-1960

Time period
December, 1956 to August, 1960
Economic Justice
Total points
6.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Soul Han, 30/09/2012

Since the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement Party (MNR) overthrew the military junta in April 1952, Bolivia underwent major reformations in its political and institutional structures and economic policies. Aside from establishing universal suffrage, the government nationalized the tin mine business. It also set up the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (COMIBOL), a semi-governmental company, to take control of the mines. Because the miners made up a large part in the revolution and the tin mine was the most lucrative business in Bolivia, miners were granted great political power.

Shanghai truck drivers strike to lower trucking fees, 2011

Time period
20 April, 2011 to 22 April, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
2 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Nikki Richards, 30/09/2012

In 2011, Chinese Truckers in Shanghai became fed up with the increase in prices and decrease in profits they were making as professional truck drivers. Truckers were frustrated not only with the small fees and high oil prices, but also with the system itself. The incomes of the Chinese truck drivers were unable to keep up with the rising energy, food, and housing prices in the Chinese economy. China’s consumer price index (the main gauge of inflation) rose 5.4 percent in March, which was it’s highest rise in 32 months.

African fishermen and Greenpeace win better international fishing practices, 2011-2012

Time period
February, 2011 to September, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
7 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Iris Fang, 30/09/2012

Having overfished their own fish stocks, European and other foreign countries have turned to African waters to sustain their fishing industries. At the time of this campaign, the EU had Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) with seven West African countries including Mauritania and Mozambique and had an FBA with Senegal that the EU discontinued in 2006. The EU also had a Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) that managed the exploitation of living aquatic resources and ensured sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions.

Peruvian copper miners win Freeport strike, 2011

Time period
29 September, 2011 to 14 December, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Nikki Richards, 07/10/2012

On 29 September 2011 about 1,200 miners at Freeport’s Cerro Verde mining site began a 75-day strike. The participants were scheduled to walk off their jobs at 8:30 am Eastern Time. At midnight on the same day, 8,000 miners at Freeport’s Grasberg mine planned to begin a one month strike. The workers at both of these mines were part of the same miners union, all working towards the same goals. 

The strikes began after wage talk attempts had failed. The union’s general secretary said, “Freeport’s offer was insufficient. There was no chance of reaching an agreement”. 

J-1 student guest workers protest working conditions (Justice at Hershey's), United States, 2011

United States
Time period
August, 2011 to November, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Christopher Capron, 14/10/2012

In 1961 the United States government created the J-1 exchange visa program that allows for people, including students from other countries, to visit the USA for cultural immersion and work-study. In what is typically a four-month program, thousands of students come to the USA and go to work in jobs provided for them by contractors of the visa program. The program has been critiqued in the past for failing to provide adequate cultural immersion and for using contractors that provide visa holders with poor work placement.

Sudanese bring down dictator Abbud (October Revolution), 1964

Time period
21 October, 1964 to 30 October, 1964
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Yein Pyo, 04/11/2012

By October of 1964, an issue called the “Southern Problem” had formed in Sudan. This Southern Problem was essentially a dispute between the Arabized Muslim North and Christian South of Sudan. The northern “Sudanization” of southern administrative positions and ethnic, cultural, and religious differences began to manifest in discrimination against southern Sudanese, planting the seeds for this problem.

Korean women textile workers fight for Fair Union Election, 1976-1978

South Korea
Time period
July, 1976 to April, 1978
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Soul Han, 11/11/2012

The Dong Il Textile was one of the leading Korean companies whose products were exported to foreign countries during 1970s. At the time, the Korean economy was heavily dependent on the profits gained from exportation of low-industrial cheap products (mostly apparel and chemical products). Dong Il was deemed by the people to be one of those exemplary firms in this context, because it succeeded in “efficiently” producing cheap and mass textile products. Such “efficiency” was possible only because it exploited an abundant supply of cheap labor.

Mexican guest workers gain Walmart, federal response, Louisiana, USA, 2012

United States
Time period
June, 2012 to June, 2012
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Christopher Capron, 11/11/2012

The United States has a visa program called the H-2B visa. It allows employers to hire foreigners and let them come temporarily to work in the United States, usually for a one-time or peak load basis. This program has repeatedly been criticized for allowing employers to take advantage of guest workers, and in response, the U.S. Congress passed the Protect Our Workers from Exploitation and Retaliation (POWER) Act in June of 2011.

Peruvians in Cajamarca stop the building of giant gold mine, 2011-2012

Time period
November, 2011 to August, 2012
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Rosanna Kim, 25/11/2012

In February 2010, U.S.-based Newmont Mining Company proposed a joint venture with the Peruvian company Mina Buenaventura to build the Conga mine, a new gold mine, in the Cajamarca region of Peru. Newmont proposed investing $4.8 billion in the project, the largest investment in Peru’s history, and the mine would become the second largest gold mine in the world. Newmont hoped to begin production in either 2014 or 2015, upon getting permission from the Peruvian government. Newmont submitted an environmental impact study for the Conga mine, which the Peruvian government approved. 

Senegalese transporters strike for lower costs, 2012

Time period
2 January, 2012 to 27 January, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Christopher Capron, 08/12/2012

The Republic of Senegal is a key exporter of petroleum products to the rest of the world but gasoline can be very expensive within the country. Most Senegalese people do not own their own motor vehicles and instead rely on public transportation like buses and taxis to travel, especially in high traffic cities like Dakar, the capital. Bus drivers and taxi operators are often obliged to rent their vehicles from companies that require them to pay for repairs and maintenance on their cars in addition to rental fees. As a result, these jobs are often hard and expensive to maintain.

UC Santa Cruz students and employees campaign for diversity and economic justice, 2005-09

United States
Time period
April, 2005 to February, 2009
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Sarah Gonzales, 04/02/2013

When the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) hired Chancellor Denice Denton in 2004 the transition entailed her earning a salary of $282,000 a year and $600,000 of renovations made on her future house of residence, including a controversial $30,000 dog run.   This became a topic of debate; students as well as media critics quickly brought these details to light and demanded accountability for the choices of spending at the University.  Under these circumstances, employees at the University began to call attention to the fact that they earned a less than living wage