Serbians win reinstatement of elected opposition members, 1996-1997


It was a "drive to get the Government to honor the [parliamentary] election results in Nis and the rest of Serbia," said Alexander Krstic to the New York Times.

Time period

November, 1996 to February, 1997



Location City/State/Province

Belgrade, Nils and other cities

Location Description

Largest protests were concentrated in Belgrade, although marches occurred across the country
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Methods in 1st segment

  • The opposition party, Zajedno, made speeches declaring victory and calling on Milosevic to honor the election results.
  • Students created leaflets for parents about the election fraud, encouraging them to join the protests.
  • 20,000 people rallied in Belgrade.

Methods in 2nd segment

  • Figures of Milosevic in prison uniforms were paraded through the streets.
  • Daily marches through Belgrade, often up to 50,000 people.

Methods in 3rd segment

  • Clowning in front of police to reduce the chance of violent confrontation.

Methods in 4th segment

  • Daily marches through Belgrade, often up to 50,000 people.
  • Refused to accept Milosevic's conciliatory offer to recognize elections in Nis alone.

Methods in 5th segment

  • Protestors ridiculed the government's offer of electoral recognition.
  • Daily marches through Belgrade, often up to 50,000 people.

Methods in 6th segment

  • Daily marches through Belgrade, often up to 50,000 people.
  • The Orthodox Church led a march through the center of Belgrade.

Additional methods (Timing Unknown)

Segment Length

Approximately 13 days


Members of Zajedno party, student leaders, Patriarch Pavle of the Orthodox Church.


Alexander Tianic, Minister of Information who resigned in protest of inadequate coverage.

External allies

International governments, Office of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Involvement of social elites

All classes of society were involved, notably the Orthodox Church and its leader, Patriarch Pavle


Slobodan Milosevic, Government of Serbia

Nonviolent responses of opponent

Organized counter-demonstration by busing in rural Serbians who did not know about the election fraud.

Campaigner violence

Not known. Eggs thrown at buildings, bags of feces lit aflame and left on government buildings. Student leaders designed marches to be non-violent and appointed certain students to walk along exterior of the march to prevent conflagrations with police.

Repressive Violence

Violent oppression by police officers, including tear gas, beatings, and instigation of confrontation between counter-demonstrators and opposition supporters.





Group characterization

Political opposition party

Groups in 1st Segment

urban residents in Belgrade and Nis and other cities

Groups in 2nd Segment

Serbian Orthodox Church

Additional notes on joining/exiting order

The campaign was so widespread, it is hard to identify individual groups. It was also characterized by remarkably loyal participants, who remained a part of the campaign until Milosevic gave in to the demands.

Segment Length

Approximately 13 days

Success in achieving specific demands/goals

6 out of 6 points


1 out of 1 points


3 out of 3 points

Total points

10 out of 10 points

Notes on outcomes

The campaign completely succeeded in nonviolently forcing Milosevic to honor the election results. It also survived and would later grow into the movement that overthrew Milosevic later that decade. Finally, the movement experienced significant growth, as Zajedno and student groups were able to reach out and appeal to the larger Serbian population who turned out in droves to protest the electoral fraud of the Milosevic government.

Database Narrative

The 1996-1997 protests in Serbia were an important step forward in the expressing the voice of the Serbian people and laid the groundwork for a broad, popular nonviolent movement that would eventually lead to the overthrow of longtime Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic. The campaign, which stretched from November 1996 to February 1997, was a public condemnation of Milosevic’s annulment of an opposition party victory in the November 1996 parliamentary elections.

Following the November 17th elections in Serbia, President Slobodan Milosevic annulled the elections results when the Zajedno (translating in English to “together”) opposition party appeared to win in 32 municipalities, most notably in the capital of Belgrade, which would be under non-Communist control for the first time in over 50 years. Almost immediately after Milosevic dismissed the election results, opposition supporters began forming protests across the country, with the first protest starting in Nis. The largest occurred in Belgrade, as crowds of up to 20,000 formed to protest Milosevic’s arrogation of the election. Zajedno played a central role in organizing and encouraging demonstrators, issuing invitations to the public to attend demonstrations in central locations across Belgrade. At the same time, Serb students began organizing in a protest committee, planning daily marches at noon through Belgrade, writing and distributing leaflets with background information and reasons for the protests and encouraging others to join them. The students proved a valuable resource for Zajedno, as student committees placed an emphasis on nonviolence, appointing members to walk along the outskirts of the marches to ensure that protesters did not get into skirmishes with police.

As protests continued into December, the Milosevic regime began attempts to stifle the protests. In early December, two independent radio stations were briefly taken off the air when government officials questioned the authenticity of their licenses. Seeing the strong public responses to this action during protests, the radio stations were quickly reinstated. The state infrastructure also supported Milosevic, and on December 8, the Serbian Supreme Court upheld Milosevic’s annulment of the elections, further antagonizing protestors and opposition party members. The regime also tried to portray itself as populist by organizing a counter-demonstration on December 24 in Belgrade. To do so, it bused in rural Serbians, many of whom worked at state-owned factories and had little knowledge of the street protests given the media blackout on the elections and controversy. These “supporters” were then forced to march along a major protest route, while 20,000 police militia surrounded them. The counterdemonstrators ran into a protest of nearly 300,000 opposition supporters, and chaos quickly ensued as the groups traded barbs, although physical violence was fortunately limited. Opposition leaders widely criticized the Milosevic regime for hoping to spark violence by planning the demonstration at the same time and in physical proximity to the opposition protests.

Third parties began to get involved when a delegation from the Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) visited Serbia to conduct an election review. On December 27, the OSCE delegation announced findings confirming the opposition victories, but with few ways to act on their findings, they could do little to elicit change from the regime. The United States and several European countries, noting the continued obstinacy, began to raise the idea of possible sanctions against the Serbian government. In the face of mounting pressure from abroad, and continued protests in the streets into the New Year, Milosevic tried to placate the opposition.

On January 8, Milosevic announced the government’s recognition of an opposition victory in Nis, where protests first began in November. However, Zajedno was quick to reject this gesture, continuing to demand a full recognition of all its victories across Serbia. On January 14, electoral commissions in Belgrade and other Serbian areas issued another call for the further seating of elected opposition candidates, as protestors redoubled their efforts.

Most notably, protests continued to remain nonviolent in the face of increasing police brutality. Following the tensions of the counter-demonstration in late December, the traffic police officers that had previously guarded protests were replaced by riot police, who were far more willing to use physical force to repel protestors. Protestors used numerous tactics, from dramatic reenactments to posing for pictures with police officers to try and maintain a peaceful environment at rallies. Zajedno also engaged other civic groups, such as the Serbian Orthodox Church to help achieve gains during protests. After Milosevic conceded defeat in five smaller Serbian cities in mid-January, the Orthodox Church led a march in Belgrade on January 24 that became the largest religious procession since World War II. In a sign of the Church’s tremendous social capital, riot police withdrew from a long-protected section of Belgrade to allow the passage of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Pavle.

As the Milosevic government seemed to be increasingly backed into a corner by domestic and international pressure, it lashed out in a final attempt to quell protests. Starting on February 2, police began violently cracking down on protesters in the most violent responses since the protests began roughly 75 days earlier. The crackdown did not deter protestors, who continued to arrive for daily protests. Realizing the futility of the attempt and deciding to end the crisis rather than risk a spiral into civil war, Milosevic announced a formal recognition of the opposition victory on February 4, giving Zajedno and the rest of the opposition the victory they had so desperately fought for. A week later, the Serbian Parliament confirmed the transfer of power in several districts to Zajedno, paving the way for the opposition to move into their rightful seats in government.

Ultimately, the 1996-1997 protests not only earned a symbolic political victory for the opposition, but also displayed the power of the nonviolent action and laid the groundwork for the future nonviolent campaign that would lead to Milosevic’s overthrow (see “Serbians overthrow Milosevic (Bulldozer Revolution), 2000”). Many of the leaders of the later campaign began as activists during 1996-1997 campaign, and Milosevic’s inability to develop an effective response to widespread nonviolent protests revealed a chink in the regime’s armor.

The 1996-1997 protests in Serbia were an important step
forward in the expressing the voice of the Serbian people and laid the
groundwork for a broad, popular nonviolent movement that would eventually lead
to the overthrow of longtime Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic. The campaign,
which stretched from November 1996 to February 1997, was a public condemnation
of Milosevic’s annulment of an opposition party victory in the November 1996
parliamentary elections.


Following the November 17th elections in Serbia,
President Slobodan Milosevic annulled the elections results when the Zajedno
(translating in English to “together”)
opposition party appeared to win in 32 municipalities, most notably in the
capital of Belgrade, which would be under non-Communist control for the first
time in over 50 years. Almost immediately after Milosevic dismissed the
election results, protests began forming across the country, with the first
protest starting in Nis. The largest occurred in Belgrade, as crowds of up to
20,000 formed to protest Milosevic’s arrogation of the election. Zajedno played
a central role in organizing and encouraging demonstrators, issuing invitations
to the public to attend demonstrations in central locations across Belgrade. At
the same time, Serb students began organizing in a protest committee, planning
daily marches at noon through Belgrade, writing and distributing leaflets with
background information and reasons for the protests and encouraging others to
join them. The students proved a valuable resource for the Zajedno, as student
committees placed an emphasis on nonviolence, appointing members to walk along
the outskirts of the marches to ensure that protesters did not get into
skirmishes with police.


As protests continued into December, the Milosevic regime
began attempts to stifle the protests. In early December, two independent radio
stations were briefly taken off the air when government officials questioned
the authenticity of their licenses. Seeing the strong public responses during
protests, the radio stations were quickly reinstated. The state infrastructure
also supported Milosevic, and on December 8th the Serbian Supreme
Court upheld Milosevic’s annulment of the elections, further antagonizing
protestors and opposition party members. The regime also tried to portray
itself as populist by organizing a counter-demonstration on December 24th
in Belgrade. To do so, it bused in rural Serbians, many of whom worked at
state-owned factories and had little knowledge of the street protests given the
media blackout on the elections and controversy. These “supporters” were then
forced to march along a major protest route, while 20,000 police militia
surrounded them. The counterdemonstrators ran into a protest of nearly 300,000
opposition supporters, and chaos quickly ensued as the groups traded barbs,
although physical violence was fortunately limited. Opposition leaders widely
criticized the Milosevic regime for hoping to spark violence by planning the
demonstration at the same time, and in physical proximity to the opposition

Third parties began to be involved when a delegation from
the Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) visited Serbia to
conduct an election review. On December 27th, the OSCE delegation
announced findings confirming the opposition victories, but with few ways to
act on their findings, could do little to elicit change from the regime. The
United States and several European countries, noting the continued obstinacy
began to raise the idea of possible sanctions against the Serbian government.
In the face of mounting pressure from abroad, and continued protests in the
streets into the new year, Milosevic tried to placate the opposition.


On January 8th, Milosevic announced the
government’s recognition of an opposition victory in Nis, where protests first
began in November. However, Zajedno was quick to reject this gesture,
continuing to demand a full recognition of all its victories across Serbia. On
January 14th, electoral commissions in Belgrade and other Serbian
issued another call for the further seating of elected opposition candidates,
as protestors redoubled their efforts.


Most notably, protests continued to remain nonviolent in the
face of increasing police brutality. Following the tensions of the
counter-demonstration in late December, the traffic police officers that had
previously guarded protests were replaced by riot police, who were far more
willing to use physical force to repel protestors. Protestors used numerous
tactics, from dramatic reenactments to posing for pictures with police officers
to try and maintain a peaceful environment at rallies. Zajedno also engaged
other civic groups, such as the Serbian Orthodox Church to help achieve gains
during protests. After Milosevic conceded defeat in five smaller Serbian cities
in mid-January, the Orthodox Church led a march in Belgrade on January 24th
that became the largest religious procession since World War II. In a sign of
the Church’s tremendous social capital, riot police withdrew from a
long-protected section of Belgrade to allow the passage of the head of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Pavle.


As the Milosevic government seemed to be increasingly backed
into a corner by domestic and international pressure, it lashed out in a final
attempt to quell protests. Starting on February 2nd, police began
violently cracking down on protesters in the most violent responses since the
protests began roughly 75 days earlier. The crackdown did not deter protestors,
who continued to arrive for daily protests. Realizing the futility of the
attempt and deciding to end the crisis rather than risk a spiral into civil
war, Milosevic announced a formal recognition of the opposition victory on
February 4th, giving Zajedno and the rest of the opposition the
victory they had so desperately fought for. A week later, the Serbian
Parliament confirmed the transfer of power in several districts to Zajedno,
paving the way for the opposition to move into their rightful seats in


Ultimately, the 1996-1997 protests not only earned a
symbolic political victory for the opposition, but also displayed the power of
the nonviolent action and laid the groundwork for the future nonviolent
campaign that would lead to Milosevic’s overthrow. Many of the leaders of the
later campaign began as activists during 1996-1997 campaign, and Milosevic’s
inability to develop an effective response to widespread nonviolent protests
revealed a chink in the regime’s armor.


This campaign greatly influenced the later Bulldozer Revolution to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 (see "Serbians overthrow Milosevic (Bulldozer Revolution), 2000")


Hedges, Chris. “Protests? In Belgrade? What Protests? Asks a State-Controlled Newspaper.” The New York Times, The New York Times. Web. 20 April 2012.

Lazić, Mladen, and Liljana Nikolić. Protest in Belgrade: Winter of Discontent. Budapest: Central European UP, 1999. Print.
Database. A Force More Powerful Online.

Staff. “Serbia Claims Municipal Vote Victory” The New York Times, The New York Times. Web. 19 November 21, 1996.

"Protests in Belgrade and throughout Yugoslavia 1996/1997." The New York Times, The New York Times. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.

“Timelines: Serbia” Timelines Database. Web. April 20, 2012.
The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 9 Dec. 1996. <>.

"Serb Antagonists To Meet In Streets." Chicago Tribune. 24 Dec. 1996. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. <>.

“Opposition Victory Confirmed in Serbia.” The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 12 Feb. 1997. <>.

“Serbian President Accepts Victories By His Opponents.” The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 5 Feb. 1997. <>.

“Church’s Role in Serbia Protests May Block Reforms.” The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 3 Feb. 1997. <>.

“Serb Ruler Yields On Vote in Second Largest City.” The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 9 Jan. 1997. <>.

“100,000 Serbs Join March Led by Clergy in Belgrade.” The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 28 Jan. 1997. <>.

Additional Notes

The documentary series, "A Force More Powerful" covers this campaign as part of its exploration of the overthrow of Milosevic in 2000. This campaign is viewed as an important starting point for the later movement, and demonstrated the potential of nonviolent action in Serbia.

Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy

Tarit Rao-Chakravorti, 23/03/2012