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Israeli workers win general strike, 2012

Time period
8 February, 2012 to 12 February, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel, 21/04/2013

In February 2012, Israel saw its first general strike in five years.  Histadrut, the General Federation of Labor in Israel, organized a general strike to fight for the rights of contracted workers. The number of employees who worked for contractors rather than direct employers had grown steadily and immensely in Israel.  Because of this outsourcing approximately 250,000 Israeli workers had lost their benefits and pensions.  These workers were also paid on average thirty percent less than workers who were hired directly doing the same or similar jobs. 

Israelis campaign for affordable housing, better economic life ("Tentifada"), 2011

Time period
14 July, 2011 to November, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel and Fatimah Hameed, 24/03/2013

On 14 July 2011, Daphni Leef, a freelance filmmaker, began a campaign to be known as the “Tent Revolt” or “Tentifada.” Leef, like many middle-class citizens in Tel Aviv and in the nation of Israel, faced great financial hardships in an economy that statistically should have provided a level of comfort. Barely able to afford her home, Leef created a Facebook page, inviting those with similar grievances to pitch tents on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv Thursday of that week in order to convince the government to lower housing costs.