008. Banners, posters, and displayed communications

This has also been expanded to include webpages and openly visible internet media when used as a form of protest.

Showing 351-375 of 513 results

United States consumers boycott tuna to protect dolphins, 1988-1990

United States
Time period
11 April, 1988 to 8 November, 1990
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Colleen Hailley, 20/03/2012

Starting in the late 1950’s commercial fishing fleets began catching tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean (ETPO) using circular purse seine nets. These nets prohibit fish from swimming downwards to escape capture.

Greenpeace stops Shell Oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, 2012

United States
New Zealand
Time period
4 February, 2012 to 7 September, 2012
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lydia Bailey, 09/02/2013

In February 2012, Greenpeace launched an initiative to stop Royal Dutch Shell’s oil drilling project in the Arctic Ocean. They claimed that Shell was not prepared for a spill, with the nearest port to their drilling location over a thousand nautical miles away. Greenpeace also protested drilling in the Arctic because the region is only accessible as a result of climate change, produced by greenhouse gas emissions that are enabled by Shell and the oil industry. 

Israelis campaign for affordable housing, better economic life ("Tentifada"), 2011

Time period
14 July, 2011 to November, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel and Fatimah Hameed, 24/03/2013

On 14 July 2011, Daphni Leef, a freelance filmmaker, began a campaign to be known as the “Tent Revolt” or “Tentifada.” Leef, like many middle-class citizens in Tel Aviv and in the nation of Israel, faced great financial hardships in an economy that statistically should have provided a level of comfort. Barely able to afford her home, Leef created a Facebook page, inviting those with similar grievances to pitch tents on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv Thursday of that week in order to convince the government to lower housing costs. 

Central African Republic Unions Strike for Democracy 1990-1993

Central African Republic
Time period
March, 1990 to August, 1993
Economic Justice
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Laura Rigell, 31/03/2013

After achieving independence from French colonial rule in 1960, the Central African Republic was controlled by a series of military coups.  On 20 September 1981 General Anre Kolingba overthrew the authority of President Dacko.  

Israeli single mothers campaign against welfare cuts, 2003

Time period
2 July, 2003 to August, 2003
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel, 30/03/2013

On 29 June 2003, the Israeli Ministry of Finance amended the Hok HaHasderim, a bill passed in 1985 in order to combat existing hyperinflation and aid in the creation and development of an austerity program. The late June amendment enormously decreased single mothers’ welfare allowances. Single mothers across the nation, who were already struggling to make ends meet, were both hurt and angered by the amendment. On 2 July 2003, one such woman, a 43-year-old single mother named Vicky Knafo, marched two-hundred and fifty kilometers from her home in Mitzpe Ramon to Jerusalem.

Salvadoran teachers strike for wages, 1971

El Salvador
Time period
June, 1971 to July, 1971
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Sarah Gonzales, 12/04/2013

Starting in 1968, Salvadoran President Fidel Sanchez Hernandez began focusing his presidency on accomplishing three major reforms, in education, administration, and agriculture. The education reform he put in place upset Salvadoran teachers for three main reasons.  First, teachers were required to pass every student to the next grade, when before they had “held-back” failing students.  Second, the new mathematics curriculum taught concepts that Salvadoran teachers had never taught before and considered pointless.

Greenpeace challenges Costco, protects endangered seafood, 2011

United States
Time period
30 June, 2010 to 24 February, 2011
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Pauline Blount, 03/04/2013

On 20 June 2010 Greenpeace kicked off
their campaign targeting Costco wholesale super market’s seafood policies by
floating a blimp with the words “Costco: Wholesale Ocean Destruction” over the company’s
corporate headquarters in Issaquah, Washington. 
According to Greenpeace, Costco was selling 15 out of 22 “red-listed”
seafood species, including critically threatened orange roughy and Chilean sea
bass.  Greenpeace demanded that Costco:
immediately stop selling these two fish; implement a policy refusing to sell

Peace activists occupy “Camp Casey” to demand truth about Iraq War, United States, 2005

United States
Time period
5 August, 2005 to 31 August, 2005
Total points
7 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Amy Robertson, 2/4/2013

On 4 April 2004, Casey Sheehan, an American soldier, was killed in the Iraq War. Upon hearing the news, his mother Cindy Sheehan was completely devastated and questioned the value of the war. 

Indian citizens protest gang rape, gain increased punishment for sexual assault crimes, 2012-2013

Time period
21 December, 2012 to 3 February, 2013
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Aileen Eisenberg, 31/03/2013

On 16 December 2012, six men raped and nearly beat a 23-year-old woman to death in New Delhi, the capital of the Republic of India. The woman had boarded a local bus with a male companion that night. Once the couple was on the bus, the six men began to taunt the couple. They gagged and beat the woman’s friend until he was unconscious. Then, the six men dragged the woman to the back of the bus, beat her with an iron rod, and gang-raped her. Following their attack, the men threw both the woman and her friend out onto the streets. 

Guatemalans refuse to serve in civil patrols, 1988-1993

Time period
March, 1988 to 1993
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Sarah Gonzales, 09/04/2013

From 1961 to 1996 Guatemalans endured a bloody civil war.  During this conflict the military-controlled government fought the leftist guerillas or the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG).  These groups fought each other for political control.  The extreme violence pushed many indigenous Guatemalans high into the country’s highlands or displaced them as refugees into other countries.

Irish citizens protest the shutdown of accident and emergency services at Roscommon Hospital, 2010-2011

Time period
8 August, 2010 to 11 July, 2011
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Aileen Eisenberg, 25/03/2013

On 8 August 2010, members of Roscommon Hospital Action Committee (HAC) held a sit-in at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit at Roscommon County Hospital. There were rumors that the government planned to shut down this unit at 8 PM that night, so 100 protestors blocked the doorway and announced that they were willing to stay there all night. Nurses made a banner out of torn sheets that read “Our Hands Can Save Lives but This Is Death at the Hands of Fine Gael and Labour.” Health service chiefs did not intervene, nor were there visible security forces.

Palestinians boycott settlement goods, 2009-2011

Time period
December, 2009 to May, 2011
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lydia Bailey, 07/04/2012

In December 2009, Palestinians began a boycott of goods coming out of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and other disputed territory. There was already a law established by the Palestinian Authority against buying these goods, effective in 2005, but most local salespeople and consumers did not observe the law because most complex non-food products sold in Palestine were produced in Israel or in the settlements. Likewise, the high-producing settlements depended on Palestinian consumers for economic survival.

United States citizens campaign for single-payer health care bill, 2009-2010

United States
Time period
29 September, 2009 to 21 March, 2010
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel, 07/04/2013

After U.S. President Barack Obama was elected in 2008, the battle for health care reform truly began to build in the United States of America. In fall of 2009, Mobilization for Health Care for All began a campaign for a single-payer health care system, soon known as “Patients Not Profits.” 

Environmentalists prevent construction of nuclear reactor in Belene, Bulgaria 2002-2012

Time period
December, 2002 to March, 2012
Total points
9 out of 10 points

The Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in northern Bulgaria was originally proposed in the mid-1980s. The project was cancelled in the 1992, after significant environmentalist campaigning, when it became clear that the seismic risk in the region was unacceptable. Indeed, 120 people had died in an earthquake only 14km from the project site in 1977. There was also concern that the project would not be economically viable.

New Delhi citizens protest the ruling of Jessica Lal's murderer, 2006

Time period
21 February, 2006 to 20 December, 2006
Human Rights
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Aileen Eisenberg, 07/04/2013

On 30 April 1999, at 2 am, Jessica Lal was shot dead at an unlicensed bar in New Delhi. Lal, a 34-year-old model at the time, had been working as a barmaid at a party filled with actors, politicians, and other socialites. A little after midnight, the bar had run out of alcohol. At 2 AM, Siddharth Vashisht, known as Manu Sharma, along with some of his friends, Alok Khanna, Amardeep Singh Gill, and Vikas Yadav, asked Lal for some alcohol. Sharma offered to pay Lal 1000 Rupees, but she refused. He then took out a .22 pistol and fired it twice, killing Lal with a bullet in the head. 

Israeli women campaign for desegregation of gendered buses, 2007-2011

Time period
23 February, 2007 to 6 January, 2011
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel, 14/04/2013

In the early 2000s Israeli bus lines began gender segregation as part of a pilot project. The gender segregation was part of the ultra-orthodox community’s religious guidelines. By February of 2007 there were more than thirty gender-segregated Haredi bus routes operating. Most of these bus lines were less expensive and more easily accessible than other bus routes. On 23 February 2007, New York-born novelist, feminist, and observant-Orthodox Jew Naomi Regan was asked to move to the back of a gender-segregated bus in Jerusalem.

U.S. immigrants drive bus across country to support rights, 2012

United States
Time period
27 July, 2012 to 3 September, 2012
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lydia Bailey, 14/04/2013

In July 2012, the Ruckus Society trained and organized several immigration rights activists, who began an action bus tour supporting migrant rights. The bus left Phoenix, Arizona, an immigration rights hot spot, in July with the intention of reaching Charlotte to bring the voices of undocumented immigrants to the Democratic National Convention. Aboard the bus were almost thirty people, several with family connections. About half the riders identified as queer. Farias Portugal and Sandra Castro led local artists and children in the Phoenix area in painting and decorating the bus.

Zimbabwe students campaign for multi-party democracy, 1988-1990

Time period
September, 1988 to September, 1990
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Laura Rigell, 20/04/2013

After almost ten years of guerrilla warfare, Zimbabwe achieved independence from Britain in 1980. The Lancaster House Agreement included a constitution for Zimbabwe that described a multi-party democracy.

Greenpeace forces H&M to detox its textile supply chain, 2011

Time period
12 July, 2011 to 20 September, 2011
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Pauline Blount, 22/04/2013

On 12 July 2011 Greenpeace released a report titled
“Dirty Laundry” naming H&M as the largest clothing manufacturer amongst a
number of international brands linked to textile manufacturing facilities in
Indonesia and China discharging hazardous chemicals local water systems.  The facilities’ discharge waters had dangerous
levels of caustic and hazardous substances present, including endocrine
disruptor nonylphenol and solvent tribuyl phosphate.

Israeli workers win general strike, 2012

Time period
8 February, 2012 to 12 February, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel, 21/04/2013

In February 2012, Israel saw its first general strike in five years.  Histadrut, the General Federation of Labor in Israel, organized a general strike to fight for the rights of contracted workers. The number of employees who worked for contractors rather than direct employers had grown steadily and immensely in Israel.  Because of this outsourcing approximately 250,000 Israeli workers had lost their benefits and pensions.  These workers were also paid on average thirty percent less than workers who were hired directly doing the same or similar jobs. 

Civil Rights activists campaign against de facto segregation in Milwaukee schools, 1964-1966

United States
Time period
January, 1964 to March, 1966
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jonathan White, 17/04/2013

In 1963, nearly
ten years after the Brown vs. Board of
Education court case declared school segregation illegal, de facto rather
than legal segregation remained prevalent in many northern cities of the United
States including Milwaukee.  Milwaukee
had begun “intact busing” of black children to predominately white schools in
1957, where black children were taught in classrooms separate from white
children and were not served in the cafeterias.

Danish workers conduct general strike for gains in wages, jobs, and vacation days, 1998

Time period
27 April, 1998 to 11 May, 1998
Economic Justice
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Margaret Slusher, 21/03/2013

Since the signing of the 1992 Maastricht Treaty that formed the European Union, Danish employers used the treaty’s requirements as a justification to cut social services and reduce wages. Over the several years prior to 1998, the Danes’ unemployment had surged and real wages had dropped. Nevertheless, Denmark’s economy had experienced a boom and employers’ profits had more than doubled over the preceding five years. 

Palestinian prisoners hunger strike against indefinite incarceration in Israeli prisons, 2012

Time period
28 February, 2012 to 14 May, 2012
Human Rights
Total points
7 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Aileen Eisenberg, 28/04/2013

On 28 February 2012, two Palestinian prisoners began a hunger strike. Bilala Diab and Thaer Halahleh, both accused by Israel’s government of working with Islamic Jihad (a group responsible for firing rockets into Israel from Gaza), were in Israeli prisons. Israel was holding Diab and Halahleh under administrative detention, meaning that they were imprisoned without being charged. The maximum period for administrative detainment was six months, but a military judge could renew such detainment indefinitely.

Israeli college students and politicians succeed in limiting yeshiva student stipends, 2010

Time period
26 October, 2010 to 17 December, 2010
Economic Justice
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jessica Seigel, 28/04/2013

On 14 June 2010, the High Court of Israel ruled to abolish state grants given to students at Jewish seminaries, or yeshivas. Prior to this decision married yeshiva students with children had received these grants to support their studies, but for nearly ten years secular students of higher education had not. The Knesset had passed a bill in 2000 ceasing stipends of secular students.  Soon after this, Ornan Yekutieli, a Jerusalem councilman and activist, petitioned the Knesset to end the support of yeshiva students as well.

Arizona grassroots activists protest anti-immigrant measure (SB1070), United States, 2010

United States
Time period
May, 2010 to 27 July, 2010
Human Rights
Total points
4 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lydia Bailey, 28/04/2013

In May 2010, Alto Arizona, an immigrants’ rights organization, began assembling different grassroots groups to come together for the “Human Rights Summer.”. Inspired by the Freedom Summer of the Civil Rights Movement, the goal of the Human Rights Summer was to force Arizona to overturn the controversial immigration law SB1070, which stated that all adult foreigners in the United States for more than thirty days must register with the US government and keep their registration documents with them at all times. Violation would be considered a federal misdemeanor and could lead to arrest.