162. Sit-in

Showing 176-200 of 242 results

Indian villagers protest Tehri Dam construction, 2001-2002

Time period
July, 2000 to March, 2002
Human Rights
Total points
2 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lydia Bailey, 21/04/2013

In 1990, the Indian government and Tehri Hydro Power Corporation began planning to dam the Bhagirati River at the Himalayan foothill town of Tehri in Uttar Pradesh. Plans indicated that it would be the fourth largest dam in the world. Damming the river at this particular location would lead to flooding of the town and the displacement of up to ten thousand of its residents. Scientists also protested the construction of the dam because of its proximity to the central Himalayan Seismic Gap.

Kenyan health workers campaign for higher pay, better working conditions, 2012

Time period
1 March, 2012 to 16 March, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
6 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
John Pontillo, 21/04/2013

On 1 March 2012, 60,000 healthcare industry workers in Kenya began an indefinite strike in order to improve working conditions and salaries. Due to the massive commitment from healthcare workers, workers were prepared to suspend operations in hospitals throughout Kenya. 

Civil Rights activists campaign against de facto segregation in Milwaukee schools, 1964-1966

United States
Time period
January, 1964 to March, 1966
Human Rights
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Jonathan White, 17/04/2013

In 1963, nearly
ten years after the Brown vs. Board of
Education court case declared school segregation illegal, de facto rather
than legal segregation remained prevalent in many northern cities of the United
States including Milwaukee.  Milwaukee
had begun “intact busing” of black children to predominately white schools in
1957, where black children were taught in classrooms separate from white
children and were not served in the cafeterias.

Pakistanis march on Islamabad against government corruption, 2012-2013

Time period
23 December, 2012 to 17 January, 2013
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Fatimah Hameed, 09/05/2013

Tahir-ul Qadri is a Pakistani law professor, politician, and Sufi scholar.  After serving as an elected Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, Qadri resigned in 2004, claiming disappointment and frustration with regard to corruption and lack of accountability in President Pervez Musharraf's government.  In the next year, Qadri engaged in a self-imposed exile to Toronto, Canada, where he continued to practice as an Islamic scholar. 

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) launches double-pronged attack to defend benefits, 2012-2013

United States
Time period
September, 2012 to August, 2013
Economic Justice
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Rachel Vogel, 22/09/2013

Peabody Energy Corporation is an international coal company based in St. Louis, Missouri (MO).  In 2007, they created a spinoff company Patriot Coal Corp., also based in St. Louis, MO.  Following the spinoff, Peabody Energy has gradually transferred responsibilities for many of its retirees over to the new company.

University of California Students Oppose Tuition Hike, 2009

United States
Time period
September 24, 2009 to December 14, 2009
Economic Justice
Total points
3.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Elaine Wangsawidjaja, 20/09/2013

In the fall of 2009, the University of California Board of Regents met at UCLA to discuss and vote for a tuition hike necessary for them to deal with shrinking budget and spending cuts across the board. The Universities’ budget deficits were associated with those troubling the state of California. The proposed increase in tuition of 32% would force annual tuition costs above $10,000 for the first time in history.

Omanis make economic gains, press for democracy 2011

Time period
17 January, 2011 to 14 May, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Michael Alex Hall, 01/08/13

The Arab Awakening came to the Middle Eastern country of Oman with a peaceful protest in the capital Muscat on 17 January, 2011. This campaign consisted of several groups that worked towards both individual and collective goals. The campaigners had many demands including: government reforms, an increased minimum wage, lower unemployment rates, and higher education rates.

British win repeal of Poll Tax (flat tax), 1989-1990

United Kingdom
Time period
Spring, 1989 to November, 1990
Economic Justice
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Ojas Chinchwadkar 9/22/13

Margaret Thatcher was reelected for her third term in 1987. One of the changes she promised to implement was to levy a flat tax that she called a “Community Charge,” although it became popularly known as the poll tax. A flat tax means that everybody, regardless of wealth, has to pay the same amount. The tax was to be set in the 1989-1990 financial year in Scotland, and in the 1990-1991 financial year in England. However, it was unpopular from the moment she proposed it, and she met resistance from both the people and her party.

Chicago students, teachers protest school closings, 2013

United States
Time period
March 21st, 2013 to May 22nd, 2013
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Mckinley Bleskachek, 13/10/2013

21 March 2013 Chicago Public School officials announced a plan to close 54 schools with the goals of reconciling a $1 billion dollar deficit, making better use of resources, and improving education. District CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that the plan addressed the underutilized and under-resourced schools in order to raise the quality of education in the remaining schools. The plan was expected to affect 30,000 students in the Chicago Metropolitan area and cost 300 teachers their jobs.

Wukan villagers protest corrupt land sale, 2011

Time period
September, 2011 to February, 2012
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Zachary Arestad 23/09/2013

Wukan is a coastal Chinese fishing village with a population of approximately 13,000. Located in the southeastern province of Guangdong, Wukan rose to international prominence in 2011 when villagers began protesting against corruption at the city level and unfair compensation for land seizure. Villagers claim that, since 1998, more than 400 hectares of land had been seized without compensation and that corrupt Lufeng city officials have skimmed more than 110 million U.S. dollars from commercial land sale.

Spanish Indignados protest austerity measures, 2011

Time period
13 May, 2011 to 4 August, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
3.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Zachary Arestad, 21/10/2013

The economic crisis which began in 2008 hit Spain harder than any other country in the European Union. They set eurozone records in 2011 with 21.3% unemployment and 43.5% youth unemployment. In an attempt to put a stop to the rapid collapse of the Spanish economy, the government passed sweeping employment changes in 2010. These changes made it easier for employers to hire and fire workers and increased the retirement age from 65 to 67.

Italian students protest austerity education reform (Gelmini Decree), 2010

Time period
9 October, 2010 to 23 December, 2010
Economic Justice
Total points
5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Sabrina Merold 14/10/2013

In 2010, Italy faced high levels of public debt due to a financial crisis. The Italian economy was near 2 trillion euros in outstanding debt and by 2011 the debt was projected to continue to rise. Thus, the Italian Parliament enacted austerity policies, which are utilized to decrease debt during unfavorable economic circumstances.

University of Glasgow students occupy Hetherington House protesting proposed education cuts (Free Hetherington Campaign), 2011

Time period
1 February, 2011 to 31 August, 2011
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Lewis Fitzgerald-Holland 4/10/2015, Sabrina Merold 27/10/2013

In January of 2011, reports began to circulate at the University of Glasgow that massive cuts were coming to academic programs, staff employment rates and student services. Student activists targeted the abandoned Hetherington Research club, a former post-graduate club that had been shut down in January of 2010 due to a previous round of budget cuts, as a potential place of occupation from which protesters could issue demands against austerity. The university was beginning renovations on the building that appeared geared towards the university selling it as private office space.

British prison inmates strike to oppose new system of control, Full Sutton prison, 1995

United Kingdom
Time period
13 November, 1995 to 15 November, 1995
Human Rights
Total points
2 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kyle Klassen, 18/11/2013

At the start of November in the year 1995, a new system was instated in the correctional institution of Full Sutton, located near York in New Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Over the few months before November changes to the system had begun to surface. The changes culminated in the incentives and earned privileges scheme, which added another level of control to prisons, to the prison rules, and to govenors' discretionary powers. In Full Sutton Prison, prisoners were already allowed to be punished for what seemed to be virtually anything according to the inmates. 

British students force end of Barclays Bank’s investments in South African Apartheid 1969-1987

United Kingdom
Economic Justice
Human Rights
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
10 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Ryan Leitner 08/02/2014

Apartheid was a legal and political system of racial segregation in South Africa in which the National Party used violence to uphold political and economic control by the white minority. Apartheid began under colonial Dutch rule and was officially introduced as an official policy in 1948.

Wesleyan student-labor coalition wins living wages and unionization for campus janitors, 1999-2000

United States
Time period
October, 1999 to April, 2000
Economic Justice
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Guido Girgenti, 02/02/2014

From the mid-1990s into the early 2000s a wave of economic justice activism swept through college campuses in the United States, spurred in large part by the global justice movement’s spotlighting of corporate malfeasance in the United States and especially in the global South. Seeking to fight in solidarity with underpaid and unprotected laborers, a number of college campuses launched campaigns demanding their universities end the purchasing of apparel produced in sweatshops. Between 1999 and 2000, 18 campus campaigns used sit-ins and building occupations in pursuit of this goal. 

High Point high school students sit-in for U.S. civil rights, 1960

United States
Time period
February 11, 1960 to February 18, 1960
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kerry Robinson, 02/02/2014

High Point, North Carolina was a city viewed as progressive on racial relations, but the black community felt alienated as nearly all of High Point’s public institutions were segregated.

On 1 February 1960, a group of four college students began a sit-in at a Woolworth’s in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina. News spread quickly to High Point, about 16 miles away.

British Students Gain London School of Economics Stand Against Israeli Military Action in Gaza

United Kingdom
Time period
15 January, 2009 to 22 January, 2009
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Emily Kluver, 15/02/2014

In January of 2009, protests broke out worldwide to condemn Israel’s military actions in Gaza. The weekend of the 10th and 11th of January, crowds gathered in cities worldwide for demonstrations of up to 250,000 people. In London, 100,000 people gathered to protest the war in Gaza. 

A couple of days following these demonstrations, student occupations at universities in the United Kingdom (UK) began to break out, starting with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) on 13 January. 

Polish Students Reject Censorship and Repression, 1968

Time period
January, 1968 to May, 1968
Total points
4.5 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Guido Girgenti, 24/2/2014

In early 1968, the Polish
National Theater in Warsaw decided to stage a production of “Dziady,” a classic
Polish play by the revered 19th century writer Adam Modzelewski. The
production’s director, Kazmierz Dejmek, choose to highlight the text’s
connection to early Christianity as well as the story of Poland’s struggle for
liberation. Although the communist government rejected religion, no pundits
viewed the play’s content as an exceptional departure from the guidelines of
the Central

Black students of Concord, N.C. sit-in for U.S. civil rights, 1960

United States
Time period
12 February, 1960 to 17 August, 1960
Economic Justice
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kerry Robinson 02/03/2014

On 12 February 1960, nearly two weeks after sit-ins at Greensboro, North Carolina (the Greensboro Four) began, over 100 students at the historically black school Barber-Scotia College started sit-ins in the lunch counter at Belk’s department store and three other lunch counters in Concord, North Carolina. In addition to sit-ins, the students organized pray-ins, where they gathered for prayer in public areas and places reserved for whites. Aside from white teenage hecklers, the students did not face much initial repression.

Students and allies force racial integration of Glen Echo Park, MD, 1960-1961

United States
Time period
June, 1960 to March, 1961
Human Rights
Total points
9 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Tom McGovern 24/02/2014

In early May and June of 1960, students from Howard University, a historically black college, joined the ongoing civil rights movement by picketing the White House in D.C. and conducting sit-ins and pickets at segregated Woolworth chain stores in the D.C. area. These early actions led by Paul Dietrich, Stokely Carmichael, John Moody, Jan Triggs, Dion Diamond, Gwendolyn Green, Joan Trumpauer, and others spread interest for a more organized form of action by Howard students. 

Alexandria citizens sit-in for library integration, 1939

United States
Time period
21 Aug, 1939 to 21 Aug, 1939
National/Ethnic Identity
Total points
6 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kerry Robinson, 30/03/2014

In August 1937, the city of Alexandria, Virginia opened its first public library, the Alexandria Library. Although all citizens funded the library, only whites could attend. The city council took no action beyond casual discussion to accommodate black patrons.

In 1939, a local black attorney, 26-year-old Samuel Wilbert Tucker, began challenging the lack of public library access for black citizens. On 17 March 1939, Tucker sent in a library card application for George Miller, a black resident. 

Black high school students sit-in, desegregate public libraries in Danville, VA, 1960.

United States
Time period
2 April, 1960 to 14 September, 1960
Human Rights
Total points
8 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kerry Robinson, 24/03/2014

Inspired by the February, 1960 launch of the student sit-in movement in Greensboro, North Carolina, high school student Chalmers Mebane decided to stage a sit-in in his city of Danville, Virginia. He and his African American friends collaborated with students on the Youth Council for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to plan a sit-in at a lunch counter at Woolworth’s. 

University of California Students Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons 2007

United States
Time period
May 9, 2007 to May 17, 2007
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Tom McGovern 07/04/2014

In 2007, the University of California Board of Regents managed the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, two of the largest of the United States government’s nuclear weapons facilities at the time.  The Board had managed these facilities since their creation in 1942 and 1952 respectively, and was the government’s largest nuclear contractor for over six decades.

Black students sit-in for U.S. civil rights, Marshall, Texas, 1960

United States
Time period
26 March, 1960 to 3 April, 1960
Human Rights
Total points
3 out of 10 points
Name of researcher, and date dd/mm/yyyy
Kerry Robinson 06/04/2014

Marshall, Texas, despite having a black majority, practiced public and private racial segregation like most of the South in the 1950’s. The town included two historically black colleges: Bishop College and Wiley College.